James Fortune ~Vietnam
Aug. 22, 69 (Fri)
Dear Chris,
I guess that I had better get another letter out to you cause tomorrow I am going out to the field. I will be there until next weekend. I doubt if I will write while I am out there.
I guess that I had better get another letter out to you cause tomorrow I am going out to the field. I will be there until next weekend. I doubt if I will write while I am out there. I will (was) awful busy.
Today I bought a camera for my birthday. My mother sent me the money for it and the camera I bought is a Kodak. It is a nice one. My birthday is Monday. Boy I will be drunk. Why not it's my birthday.
I haven't been doing much. Just working and sleeping most of the time. There isn't much to write about over here. I promise to send you some pictures of the field, ok? I hae to pack my stuff for tomorrow. We are leaving early in the morning.
I sure do with that we could be together. I miss you so much. I feel so good when I am thinking of you and then other times I get so lonely I can't stand it. I just hope that soon I can be with you. I want you to be with me in the worst way.
Well Chris I will close this letter now. Write soon and remember that I love you.