Two of my Family ~Vietnam

Jan. 30 (Tues), 1968 - Feb. 1968 Tet Offensive ~ Tet is the Vietnamese New Year, the starting date varies each year. In 1968, the North Vietnamese attacked the south surprising the ARVN & United States troops. The city of Saigon was attacked, 'The Battle of Saigon'.
Mar. 16 1968 (Sat) ~ In a rare disgraceful act, U.S. Charlie Company kills about two hundred civilians. in the My Lai hamlet.
Mar. 31, 1968 (Sun) ~ President Lyndon Baines Johnson talks to Americans on television, announcing his decision not to run for president in the fall.

Well I discovered a (third cousin) of mine that was killed in Vietnam in 1968. Larry Michael Wolpert, of Tawas City, Michigan & an Edward Delbert

Though I am related to a few Ulman of Tawas City (two great aunts married into the Ulman family) I don't believe I am a blood relative of Edward. But I include him as family because all the Ulman's lived on what is called Townline Road and my mother's side of the family lived in this area, so mom's family lived with the Ulmans. One big family lost their home to a fire as my aunt told me while researching this connection.
Both of these Tawas City boys died in April 1968 in Vietnam, Larry on April 6 and Edward (Eddie) on April 20.
Nov. 5, 1968 (Tues) ~ Richard Milhous Nixon is elected the 37th president of the United States.