Edward J. Thomas - World War II
Below letter written by Harry Thomas
March 4, 1945 Sunday
Here is a list of the replies we have received so far in answer to our
classified ads in the magazines:
R. E. Oetiker Mr. Eugene Steele
Box 174 Waukau, Wisconsin
Greenlawn, L.I., N.Y.
Mr. Glenn Cornelison Mr. L. De Rusha
129 4th Ave., North RFD No. 4
Twin Falls, Idaho Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Mr. Joe Jelinek Rurode & Schlattman Mink Ranch
Route 1, Box 56 Braidwood, Illinois
Chicago Heights, Illinois
Mr. O. J. Williams R. T. Mize
410 East 9th St. Box 583
Horton, Kansas Turkey, Texas
I have anawered all the letters within the last two weeks and just a couple
of days ago R. E. Oetiker wrote us a letter in which he ordered two bred
females at $250 each and· enclosed a check for $100 as a deposit. This will
no doubt reimburse us for the expense ot the advertising and time spent.
We could still sell a couple of the platinum males but I hope we don't
get any more orders for bred females because the number we have right now
isn't too much.
Have been working for the last month replacing the old rusty wooden feedtrays
with a new improved al1-meta1 feeder and waterer. The feed tray
itselt is made out of aluminum instead of galvanized sheet iron as before,
thus eliminating one of the objectionable features of the old type. The
waterer is your original invention but instead of being mounted on a wood
block it is now on the same frame that supports the feeder. Below is a
By adding the waterer to the feed tray and through improved productions
methods, I have cut down on the time required to make one in about 1/2 hour.
The cost of materials is roughly 30¢.
Your furlough w111 come just when the kits start coming out of the nest
boxes; so we can put you right to work when you arrive.
So long, Harry
Wed. Mar 7 U.S. forces cross the Rhine River at Remagen, which is the last barrier to Germany.