Edward J. Thomas - World War II
Tue Jun 5 the Allies control Germany's government.
Wed. Jun 6 has Brazil declaring war on Japan
Sun. Jun 10 Australian troops land in Brunei Bay.
11 June 1945 Monday
Memphis 15, Tenn
Dear Mom, Harry, & Izzy:
Mom, it surprised me to hear how clearly you and Harry could be heard
over the phone a thousand miles away. Your voices couldn't have been any
stronger on a local call. It was the first time I ever heard anything so
distinctly over so many miles of wire. It seemed as if the barracks was right
next door to my home. How did you hear my voice? I am wondering if you
heard me as clearly as I heard you.
While talking to you I forgot to mention that I missed my chane to
collect my army pay for last month. I managed to remember it, however,
while talking to Harry and asked him to have you send some money.
I received your letter telling me you were pinning a $20 bill in one
of the shirt pockets. I didn't have to wait long for the packages to
arrive. The piano music came Thursday. It took only a day and a half to
get here. The mail clerk said it was the quickest parcel post delivery he's
ever received. The post office really takes those special delivery stamps very
seriously. The box of clothing was received a day later in excellent condition.
I searched through the pockets of my shirts and found the $20 for which I am
very thankful. My next pay will be double the amount I usually receive--that
means over $100. Probably that'll be more money than the time I have to spend
it in. In that case I'll probably have to send some back.
It was almost a joke the way the weather changed a few minutes after I
hung up the phone. The temperature was about 75° when I was talking to you,
but as soon as I returned to my bunk I heard rain coming down. Then there. was
lightning and thunder and in a short while the weather became as chilly as it
was in Detroit vhen I left it. Many of the fellcws here had to use overcoats
over their blankets to keep them warm during the night. Right now, however, it's
another story. I am suffering from 90° heat, feeling very draggy and having
a hard time sleeping nights.
Harry, could you have my tennis racket restrung and sent to me complete
with press by special delivery? Some fellows here bought rackets through the
PX and paid $17 apiece for them. They told me that's vwhat a medium priced
racket costs now. I hardly believed them. I don't tnink it's worthwhile
paying so much for something that will be thrown around the barracks and
probably stolen later on. Maybe you can have my racket restrung for about
$5 or $6. Even if it it's as high $8, it still will save me $9.
During my athletic periods which come once a week, Tuesday afternoons,
I always played volley ball. Now, however, the swimming pool here in the
Fair Grounds is open and the City of Memphis gave 2d Army permission to use
it during the athletic periods. Rather than struggle hitting a ball around
in sweaty fatigues for a straight hour and a half, I am going to buy some
bathing trunks at the PX for $2.25 and will splash around in the pool and
loll in the sun. It'll make me feel like an idle aristocrat but I am afraid
not as he would feel at Palm Beach but at Coney Island. I think everybody has
the idea of spending his time in the pool during the athletic periods. If
that is the case, the place will look like a locust invasion in an African
wheat field.
Izzy, I showed the prints of my snapshots to the boys and all of them
in the pictures wanted a oomplete set. Therefore, go ahead and order 4 complete
sets. After they are finished, mail me the negative of the officer. It's
the picture which has only one man in it. This officer liked his snapshot and
said he would like to have the negative. When the prints are made, pay for
them from my account and let me know what the cost is.
When I collected my mail after returning from my furlough, I found a
letter from a sergeant I know in Washington who said he was soon going to be
discharged and asked me whether I'd like to have his job. He said if I wanted
it I should let him know my rank and serial number and he would take care of
the rest. The place in which this sergeant works is the orderly room of headquarters
and headquarters company, Army Ground Forces. Here was my chance to
go from headquarters of 2d Army to headquarters of all armies. The letter
was worded in a way which made me sure the sergeant thought I wou1d jump at the
opportunity, but I didn't jump at all. lt only made me a little restless
and nervous to think of trying to establish myself in sore new place so late
in the war. I wrote back and told this sergecnt that I was afraid of work and that my
only ambition in military life was to wait for a discharge.
With love to all,